Is your venue/club compliant?

ACADS has a role in ensuring that the harm from excessive alcohol consumption is minimised in our district. The Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 aims to ensure the safe and responsible sale, supply and consumption of Alcohol.

ACADS holds a supply of appropriate signage and print resources for premises, community clubs, groups and events, click on the link below to order. The Act also aims to give local communities a greater say in how and where alcohol is sold. It empowers councils to develop stronger alcohol regulation through a Local Alcohol Policy (LAP) in consultation with communities.

For more information on the Ashburton district’s LAP visit the Ashburton District Council website.

ACADS also supports the Ashburton Alcohol Accord.

The Accord is made up of bars and restaurants that work together to address alcohol-related issues and promote the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. Members of the Accord can also trespass guests that have caused problems.


We liaise with providers to offer training sessions that cover host responsibility and how venues can comply with alcohol legislation. This can range from helping staff learn about identifying intoxicated guests and how to deal with them through sensible supply and sale, through to providing resources that encourage sober driving.

ACADS health promoters regularly collaborate with other regulatory agencies in Ashburton to monitor licensed premises that are considered high risk. We also promote strategies that help reduce alcohol related harm.

Handy Tools

Alcohol laws in New Zealand

This section looks at the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 and laws concerning the supply of alcohol to under-18s, drink driving rules, and restrictions on advertising alcohol.

Have your say

Community objections to alcohol licences.

Apply for a liquor licence

How to apply for a licence in the Mid Canterbury District.

Can you pour a standard drink?

Test yourself, take the quiz.

Need more signage for your premises? Call Now.