Welcome to ACADS
Ashburton Community Alcohol and Drug Service
Youth Mental Health Service
We’re here to help you.
Ashburton Community Alcohol and Drug Service (ACADS) works across Mid Canterbury to improve mental health and reduce harm caused by alcohol and other drug use.
We do this by providing services that empower individuals and communities to increase their knowledge and control over their physical, mental and social wellbeing.
You can access ACADS if you’re concerned about your drinking or other drug use, or the drinking or drugs use of someone you know. Our friendly team provides free and confidential services, including counselling for adults and young people, support groups, health promotion, information and advice.
ACADS also has a public health service that works in various settings and communities to encourage activities that support the reduction of alcohol and other drug related harm.

Free and confidential services, such as counselling and group support, that increase knowledge and inspire change.

ACADS informs and encourages the people in our community to take positive steps to reduce harm caused by alcohol and drugs.
The impact of alcohol
Among New Zealanders aged 15-49 years, alcohol causes more death and disability than smoking, poor nutrition or other unhealthy behaviours measured in the 2016/17 Health Survey.
Alcohol is a factor in one in five fatal crashes in NZ (2015 – 2017). In Ashburton it is a factor in more than half our fatal crashes (2015 – 2018).
(NZTA CAS database)
In 80% of cases that come before the District Court, the offender will have a substance dependency or abuse issue that is connected with their offending.
(NZ Police, 2018)
Alcohol costs New Zealand businesses approximately $1.6 billion each year in lost productivity, absenteeism and additional management procedures.
(Drug and Alcohol Review, 2019)
Please call ACADS for more information